Meiou and taxes 2.0
Meiou and taxes 2.0

meiou and taxes 2.0 meiou and taxes 2.0

The country which I am playing, as you might have guessed by the title, is the Empire of the Romans. So, you might wonder what this AAR will be all about? Well, first of all, as aforementioned, it will be played with the incredible mod MEIOU and Taxes, in the 2.5 beta version for Eu4 1.25 England patch. Now, during the last year after MEIOU and Taxes 2.0 came out I have fallen in love with the mod, and have for a long time been wanting to write an AAR which loosely based itself around a game with that mod. My name is Egil, and I have been playing this game since November 2013, with over 3800 hours booked. Hello, welcome to my third, although in reality first, and hopefully much longer lasting, better prepared and more well written, AAR on this forum.

Meiou and taxes 2.0