Sympathetic researcher Camila creates a rapport with Porter. While en route to the island, Penny, Mark's former flame, attempts to seduce him but is rebuffed. Mark's best friend Dobs, his brother Josh, and Josh's girlfriend Penny charter a boat and take Mark to a supposedly unpopulated island for a low key bachelor party. Marcus prepares to marry wealthy heiress Kate Arias in the Dominican Republic. Porter continually asks to see his wife, but he is continually denied. Edwards spends two months examining Porter in isolation. Along with fellow researchers Camila and Bridgett, Dr. Although Porter carries a deadly flesh-eating bacteria, he is asymptomatic and shows no signs of necrosis. Edwards arrives at a secluded island laboratory to examine Mr. dll files inside the Mods folder (In some cases you might need to extract the.

Now, create a folder named "Mods" inside your TheLongDark directory (if you have run the game after installing MelonLoader, the folder will be created automatically).Wait for the download and installation to complete!.at C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\TheLongDark) Select the tld.exe executable in your TheLongDark install directory.

First of all, make sure you have the Melon Loader requirements installed.You can find your saves in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Hinterland\TheLongDark. Make sure to backup your saves before modding, mods are usually tested, but bad stuff happens sometimes.It's important! Let's not bug Hinterland with issues unless you're certain it's their fault. If you haven't turned off sharing crash reports and analytics, launch TLD and turn these off first.This website is in no way affiliated with Hinterland Games and only aims to provide easy access to published mods for the game. Mods are only compatible with Steam and Epic Store versions of the game for Windows currently.